Production List

Here you can find out all about the productions we have put on over the company's long history and the many interpretations of the bard's work that we have brought to the stage. Below you will find a complete list of productions by the company as well as links (in green) to further information about them. If you have any information about our past productions, particularly the early ones, please contact us - we'd love to hear from you.


Our Shakespearean Productions

All’s Well That Ends Well - 2022
Antony & Cleopatra - 1933 1953 1980 2005
As You Like It - 1909 1924 1933 1953 1965 1988 1999
The Comedy Of Errors - 1963 1984 2017
Coriolanus - 1938 2004
Cymbeline - 1984 2009
Hamlet - 1930 1954 1966 1999 2011
Henry IV (Part 1) - 1931 1954 1965 1992
Henry IV (Part 2) - 1968 2015
Henry V - 1958 1969 2008
Henry VI (Part 2) - 1952
Henry VIII - 1932 1956
Julius Caesar - 1929 1957 1964 2006
King John - 1949
King Lear - 1955 1983 2008 2016
Love's Labour's Lost - 1975 2013
Macbeth - 1934 1951 1960 1978 2001 2012
Measure For Measure - 1974 1996
The Merchant Of Venice - 1912 1928 1936 1947 1958 1967 1981 1989 2002 2023
The Merry Wives Of Windsor - 1920 1929 1938 1951 1962 1971 1994 2003 2022
A Midsummer Night's Dream - 1926 1928 1937 1950 1959 1967 1984 1990 1998 2014 2023
Much Ado About Nothing - 1935 1949 1955 1960 1970 1982 1991 2004 2011
Othello - 1927 1937 1959 1971 2000 2010
Richard II - 1939 1961 2001 2019
Richard III - 1935 1950 1963 1979 2007 2019
Romeo & Juliet - 1931 1948 1962 1970 1985 1995 2006 2013 2024
The Taming Of The Shrew - 1913 1925 1930 1939 1955 1964 1972 1993 2007
The Tempest - 1909 1910 1936 1956 1968 1979 2002 2018
Titus Andronicus - 2009
Troilus & Cressida - 2015
Twelfth Night - 1923 1927 1934 1952 1961 1969 1976 1987 1997 2009 2016
The Two Gentlemen Of Verona - 1957 1973 2001
The Winter's Tale - 1932 1948 1957 1966 1977 1986 1997 2013

Other Productions

Lend Us Your Ears (Scenes from Coriolanus and Julius Caesar) - 2025
Paper Dolls (Niki Caister) - 2024
The Much Ado’s Comedy Improv Night - 2024
Story Tellers - 2023
Art (Yasmina Reza) - 2023
‘Far Away’ (Caryl Churchill) and ‘A Slight Accident’ (James Saunders) - 2022
Bouncers (John Godber) - 2021
The Regina Monologues (Rebecca Russell & Jenny Wafer) and Henry On The Eighth (Caroline Reader) - 2020
Shakers Restirred (John Godber) - 2019
Dr. Faustus (Christopher Marlowe) - 2018
The Regina Monologues (Rebecca Russell & Jenny Wafer) - 2018
Shakespeare Showcase (A Shakespeare Anthology) - 2017
'Allo 'Allo (David Croft & Jeremy Lloyd) - 2017
Birthday (Joe Penhall) - 2017
Shakers Restirred (John Godber) - 2015
The Madness Of George III (Alan Bennett) - 2015
Stones In His Pockets (Marie Jones) - 2015
Lords Of Misrule (A Shakespeare Anthology) - 2014
An Ideal Husband (Oscar Wilde) - 2014
The History Boys (Alan Bennett) - 2012
Pride & Prejudice (Jane Austen, adapted by Clare Snape) - 2010
Steel Magnolias (Robert Harling) - 2006
Betrayal (Harold Pinter) - 2005
Four New Directors - 2004
Medea (Euripides, adapted from the Greek by Caroline Reader) - 2003
Noah (André Obey) - 2002
The Lady's Not For Burning (Christopher Fry) - 2000
Medieval Mystery Plays (Various) - 2000
An Evening Of New Blood (Various) - 1998
The Venetian Twins (Carlo Goldoni) - 1996
The Soldier & The Woman (Elaine Morgan) 1996
The Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer, adapted by Coghill and Starkie) - 1995
Crisp & Even Brightly (Alick Rowe) - 1993
Lock Up Your Daughters (Henry Fielding, adapted by Bernard Miles) - 1993
The Birthday Party (Harold Pinter) - 1991
Racing Demon (David Hare) - 1991
Man Of La Mancha (Cervantes, adapted by Wesserman, Leigh & Darion) - 1989
Harlequinade (Terence Rattigan) - 1988
Wills Way (David Rudkin) - 1988

Pack of Lies (Hugh Whitmore) - 1988
A Phoenix Too Frequent (Ben Johnson) - 1987
The Real Inspector Hound (Tom Stoppard) - 1987

Volpone (Ben Johnson) - 1987
The Muse of Fire (A Shakespeare Anthology) - 1984
Pink String & Sealing Wax (Roland Pertwee) - 1983
The Importance Of Being Ernest (Oscar Wilde) - 1982
Hay Fever (Noel Coward) - 1981
The Chalk Garden (Enid Bagnold) - 1980
Blithe Spirit (Noel Coward) - 1979
Three Short Plays (Various) - 1977
The Lunatic, The Lover & The Poet (A Shakespeare Anthology) - 1972
Dolly Reforming Herself (Henry Arthur Jones) - 1924
Readings & Recitations From Shakespeare - 1910