'The Merchant Of Venice'
2nd - 6th March 1981
Philip Beeson
The citizens of Venice cut dashing figures in Philip Beeson's stylish 1981 production of 'The Merchant Of Venice'.
Though this was the seventh time we had performed this particular play it was the first time we did so upon the Guildhall stage and this show made great use of the elegant theatre space.
Tony Eycott's photographs below showcase the production itself as well as offering some glimpses behind the scenes with backstage photos of our cast and crew.

All photographs taken by Tony Eycott.
Director - Philip Beeson
Stage Director - Sue Linnell
Set - Andrew Pickering
Wardrobe - Sybil Gamble
Lighting Design - Tony Bradshaw
Properties - Mary Willis
Make-up - Enid Clarke
Duke Of Venice - Bryan Freeman
Prince Of Morocco - Ken Collier
Prince Of Arragon - Stan Huyton
Antonio - Phil Button
Bassanio - Greg Abbott
Shylock - Ken Pipes
Gratiano - Ian Arnot
Salerio - Tony Williams
Solanio - Andrew Ivin
Solarino - Anthony Varney
Lorenzo - Martin Illston
Tubal - Eddie Chambers
Launcelot Gobbo - Martyn Miller
Old Gobbo - Bill Goodhead
Servants - Richard Hudson, David Jones & Helen Prosser
Portia - Lorna Abbott
Nerissa - Jill Cocke
Jessica - Louise Breslin