'The Winter's Tale'


Railway Institute


18th - 28th February 1948


A. G. Revill & E. D. Marsden

This was our second production of 'The Winter's Tale' and was perfomed on alternating nights alongside 'Romeo & Juliet', our other show of 1948.

The show featured both recorded music by local performers and also a trio in act 2 which was sung to a setting written especially for the production. It also included a dance which was arranged by Constance Gray.

We hope to be able to add more information and photographs from this production soon.


Producers - A. G. Revill & E. D. Marsden
Stage Director - Leslie Roome
Settings & Lighting - Dennis Eddowes
Wardrobe & Properties - Mrs. M. A. Wheeler
Scene Painting - Cecil Smith
Make-up - Mesdames L. Bradley, D. Eddowes & F. Lock and Messrs. W. Barker, L. Bradley, Cockbain & Kinghorn


Leontes - J. H. Banks
Mamillius - Martin Waller
Camillo - A. D. Smedley
Antigonus - L. H. Titmuss
Rogero - E. H. Cutts
Cleomenes - A. W. Elliott
Dion - A. Small
Officer - W. G. Brown
Polixenes - T. R. Dean
Florizel - M. F. J. Dobson
Old Shepherd - E. D. Marsden
Clown - G. D. D. Wilson
Autolycus - D. George
Mariner - H. K. Mason
Servant - R. C. Robinson
Bear - A. C. Stables
Guard - R. F. Janes
Gaoler - R. C. Robinson
Hermione - Mrs. J. E. Howard Smith
Perdita - Mrs. E. H. Cutts
Paulina - Mrs. A. R. Laurie
Emilia - Mrs. J. R. H. Budibent
Lady-In-Waiting - Miss A. Russell
Mopsa - Mrs. T. R. Dean
Dorcas - Miss A. Simpson