'As You Like It' (Scenes)


Diocesan Training College


12th May 1909


 Rev. Alfred Bater

It was on Wednesday the 12th of May, 1909 that the British Empire Shakespeare Society (Derby Branch), as we were known at the time, staged its first public performance when our founding members staged a selection of scenes from 'As You Like It' at the Diocesan Training College on Uttoxeter Road in Derby.

It was an apt choice of play, a comedy of love which acknowledges its theatrical nature and likens human life to a stage performance - a fitting starting point for the life of this company which is still growing and sharing the work of William Shakespeare with audiences well over 100 years later.


Director -  Rev. Alfred Bater
Stage Manager - Victor Vaughan


Frederick - Mr. A. H. Brown
Le Beau - Miss K. Eaton
1st Lord - Mr. A. B. Clayton
2nd Lord - Mr. A. R. William
Charles - Mr. W. Bennett
Oliver - Mr. V. Vaughan
Orlando - Mr. H. Wilkes
Adam - Mr. J. Clayton
Touchstone - Mr. A. G. Revill
Corin - Mr. C. W. Selwyn
Silvius - Mr. A. E. Wells
William - Mr. A. Riley
Rosalind - Mrs. B. Wilkes
Celia - Miss Q. Wheatley
Phebe - Miss M. V. Claye
Audrey - Miss E. M. Slack